(941) 744-9698
Our Business: Aquasafra, Inc., is the leading commercial Tilapia hatchery, offering Niloticus X Aurea F1 hybrid seed stock, as well as freshwater multi-trophic value-added species – shrimp, crustaceans, and mollusks – optimized to grow on low cost, low protein diets.
We introduced the first Egyptian Niloticus X Aurea F1 hybrids more than 30 years ago, which had immediate and far-reaching influence on the US aquaculture industry. For the first time, Tilapia producers had a line that was consistent in its performance.
From our secure production and R&D facility, we supply seed-stock to global customers with unparalleled reliability and consistency at any level of demand. Our growth rates, hardiness, and iridescent white scale coloration are documented by the largest producers and major universities.
Our fish are durable: they grow faster, with better yields, on less expensive feeds, under a wide variety of growout conditions – ponds, tanks, aquaponic, or RAS. They are resistant to disease, as well as both low and high temperatures. Aquasafra products and services are designed to increase profits for our farmer customers and lower food costs for consumers.
Our Mission: Producing low-cost foods that reverse climate change and put ocean overfishing out of business. By buying and using Aquasafra’s products you are contributing directly to these goals. Aquasafra is developing aquatic species optimized to convert the lowest cost, carbon-negative feed inputs into the highest quality, low-cost protein.
Tilapia Fingerlings {Niloticus X Aureus} – Shipping every Thursday
Fresh Water Shrimp {Macrobrachium Rosenbergii} – Available Spring 2024
Fresh Water Clams {Corbicula Fluminea} – Available Fall 2024

Aquasafra Sets The Standard

Reversing Climate Change: Aquasafra is developing aquaculture species that use and catalyze the market for Grass-Based-Diets or GBDs. GBDs have a carbon negative or climate positive footprint: They can sequester more carbon in the ground than is released in the atmosphere by their production. With GBDs adopted at significant scale, being used through out the Aquaculture and larger animal feed industry, they can sequester enough carbon to reverse climate change in around 50 years.
Putting Ocean Overfishing Out of business: By scaling GBD’s and lowering their price and feeding them to multitrophic species with very high food conversion rates, Farmers can grow aquaculture products that are more affordable to grow and less expensive for consumers to buy. Producing land-based seafood that is less expensive than the expense of putting to Sea to overfish our oceans. This makes ocean caught seafood more expensive, reducing demand due to higher prices, reducing pressure on over-fished oceans back to sustainable levels.