Aquasafra, Inc, Fry Price & Terms:
Volumes based on the rolling average of the last 12 months of purchases**
Number of Fry | <2,000 | >2,000 <5,000 | >5,000 <10,000 | >10,000 <20,000 | >20,000 <500,000 | >500,000 <700,000 | >700,000 <1,000,000 | >1,000,000 <1,500,000 | >1,500,000 |
Price/ Fry. .4g to .5g | 18¢ | 16¢ | 14¢ | 12¢ | 11¢ | 10.75¢ | 10.5¢ | 10¢ | 9.5¢ |
Price/ Fry. .6g to .8g | 18¢ | 16¢ | 15¢ | 13¢ | 12¢ | 11¢ | 10.75¢ | 10.5¢ | 9.75¢ |
All air shipments include boxes, bags, and free delivery to our local airport (Tampa)
Free shipping via our truck included if within a 4 hour drive for orders over 15,000
Orders under 15,000 must be picked up at hatchery or sent via air freight, unless nearby existing customer is receiving a delivery.
Airfreight shipping is charged at the lowest available air freight prices.
All sizes will be a minimum of 0.6 grams or larger for local delivery.
Smaller sizes down to 0.3g may be requested.
Please specify size, as the larger the size the higher the air freight shipping.
Fry equal to or above .5g come with a Live Delivery Guarantee*. To save on shipping .3g fry may be requested but do not come with live delivery guarantee.
All orders receive a 5% extra free of charge. For example; for a 50,000 fry order, an additional 2500 fry will be added to the order.
All fry are tightly graded for size consistency, sex-reversed, and have been vaccinated.
Price includes vaccination for all fry – Covering fish for first 3 months of grow out**.
Fry can be double vaccinated for 8 months of grow out for an additional $0.001 per fry.
All fry are purged from feed 48 hours prior to shipping, are shipped in 3PPT salt water, with pure O2 in shipping bags, with at least a 24 hour survival time
570, 0.8g fish go in one bag. Two bags per box = 1140 fry / box
645 0.7g fish go in one bag. Two bags per box = 1290 fry / box
750 0.6g fish go in one bag. Two bags per box = 1500 fry / box
900 0.5g fish go in one bag. Two bags per box = 1800 fry / box
1000, 0.4g fish go in one bag. Two bags per box = 2000 fry / box
1500, 0.3g fish go in one bag. Two bags per box – 3000 fry / box
All Boxes regardless of # of fry weigh 27 lb.’s.
Orders of fry over 0.8 grams up to 1.2 grams, require a 50% deposit with order, and are limited by availability.
Prices for special orders over .8 grams are the next highest price category for the ordered volume, up to 25,000 max orders per month.
MINIMUM ORDER: Orders under 1,500 fry are $270 regardless of number of fry ordered.
Orders for customer pickup at hatchery are allowed, but customers are not allowed past loading area for biosecurity reasons.
Pricing EXAMPLES for .4g to .6g:
If a new customer orders 3,000 fry, the price would be 16¢/fry.
If the same customer orders another 3,000 fry within the next 12 months, the price would be 14¢/fry.
If a customer has ordered 600,000 fry over the last 10 months their price would be 10.75¢/fry.
If they order 200,000 more fry the next month, their price would be 10.5¢/fry
Aquasafra has held its base price of 10¢ for large orders consistent for the last 35 years, in spite of large increases in feed and other costs
But as costs continue to rise there may need to be an increase in prices.
All customers ordering over 20,000 fry per 12 months, will be given a 30 day notice on any needed price rises.
Delivery via our truck or pick up at hatchery are Cash On Delivery (COD)
Payments for delivery via Air freight are Net 15. Days.
Air freight is paid by customer, directly to airline, at the time of shipment.
Payments may be made by Check, ACH wire transfer, Zelle transfer or Credit Card payment.
Please contact Aquasafra’s Sales Manager, Alex Romero at (941) 744-9698 opt 1 or for details on payment options.
Any payments not received in time will receive a one time 0.25¢/ fry late fee.
Any balances careid forward past 30 days will receive an 3% late fee per month.
Aquasafra guarantees all Fry will be delivered alive and healthy at the time they are released from their shipping bags.
Some mortalities within the first few days are natural, and why 5% additional/Free Fry are added to every order.
Vaccination: Vaccination will protect Fry from catching several strains of Strep. under milady stressful situations. If the Fry are raised under extremely*** stressful situations, then they are still vulnerable to catching various diseases. *** “EXTREMELY” relates to any Fry grown outside of the Standard Water Quality (SWQ) parameters common to most aquaculture. Parts of the SWQ that are stressful are; 02 < 4PPM, or NH3 > 0.1PPM, or NO2 > 1.0 PPM or CO2 > 15PPM or temperature < 76ºF for more than 5 days. Theses are general guidelines, and not guarantees of survival if within the SWQ parameters. Handling and many other factors may apply. For a full list of the SWQ, please request a copy from Aquasafra’s hatchery manager, Alex Romero